WIP nearly done!

February 25, 2013


WIP update

February 18, 2013


Started to do more to the foreground, still about 35 % to go before completion


WIP update

February 14, 2013


Progress Update:

I decided that the original composition was too one sided, so I changed things round a bit and started to work into the left hand side some more.

The density of detail at the moment is extremely inconsistent as most of he newer stuff is just painting, however once more photographs have been implement and more time has been spent painting detail the scene should start to look a lot more like a movie shot as appose to a piece of concept art.

As modern Matte Painting can be heavily reliant upon photographs and textures. I decided to create a library of good quality photographs to use as textures, plates or reference. As copy write laws are very strict many artists advice you to take your own photographs. So a couple of fellow students (aspiring matte painters also) and myself borrowed a good quality camera and set out to the local coast of robin hoods bay to take some photographs. Here are a few example of the kind of pictures we took.