First Matte Painting W.I.P

January 28, 2013

Nature matter painting design 1 copy


Above is the initial sketch on Photoshop

Nature matte painting W.I

I then tried to quickly paint out an idea of where the lighting might be

Nature matte painting design W.I.P

I decided that the lighting needed to be a lot warmer, so I went back a bit in order to sort out the lighting more



Nature matte painting adding photos

After painting into the piece a bit more, I decided to increase the texture density through throwing lots of photographs at the painting.

Nature matt painting starting to painting into photos

Starting to paint into the photographs, I wanted to kind of work from the background to the foreground so I started with the mountains behind the castle.



procceeding with detail


After looking at artists like Noah Bradley and Feng Zhu, the mentioned it is a good idea to flip your image regularly to make sure the composition works both ways.



Still painting in detail, although the castle is by far still not finished I have decided to work on other parts of the painting to keep everything fresh


Caslte w.i.p


This is a closer version of the castle so far. much detail and structure needs to be added.


Overall progress is going well. It has taken slightly longer than expected as painting in detail is very time consuming. so far I would say I am about half way through, progress will be updated as it happens

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