First Matte Painting Ideas initial sketches

January 15, 2013

City Mall matte painting design copy

Futuristic Shopping Mall, The idea behind this sketch is kind of a large public mall, very Tokyo esque with thousands of advertisements plastered around the place, heavily populated and lots of vivid colors. I may choose not to take this piece any further that concept art level as (after some first hand research) some companies mentioned that they are looking for more realistic content in student portfolios.

Mountainous matte painting

This is an idea for my mountainous environment. I decided to use beacons after being inspired by a similar idea used in the lord of the rings films where various beacons dotted across the mountains are lit up.

Nature matter painting design 1 copy

For this piece I tried to incorparate different aspects of nature in to one painting, taking ideas and insipiration from the previous art study on natural environments. This city or temple has been put there to add some form of size perspective. the lighting on this piece would be very golden, probably around 5 pm – 6pm (magic hour) where the sun is either just risen or is about to set.


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