Final Piece Ideas

January 7, 2013

The end product of this project is going to be 3 digital matte paintings of 3 different types of environments, one of the paintings will be fully projected onto a 3d background, possibly a second one.

So far I have decided that there shall be a mountainous scene, a City/suburban scene and a green scene with lots of foliage and plants in it.

Here is some photographic representation of what kind of environments I am potentially aiming towards.

Typical Mountain Scene

Aspects of a typical Foliage/Nature scene

Idea for typical city nightlife scene (high tech)

For the last piece I am thinking of using footage of a small english town, somewhere that already exists like Middlesbrough for example  and making it more like Tokyo, more high tech and to a much larger scale.

Through talking to companies and employment recruiters, I have found out that the kind of content a lot of VFX companies are looking for in a matte painting portfolios are realism, avoiding things like alien landscapes and anything too fantasy based. This is because a lot of matte painting in films has to be invisible and seamless.

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